GAD-VAWC significant to Gender and Development, Anti-Violence Against Woman and their Children. Republic Act 9262 is a law passed to protect women and children from violence. The RA 9262 seeks to address the prevalence of violence of violence against women and their children by their intimate partners like husband or ex-husband or ex-husband; live-in partner or former live-in partner; boyfriend/girlfriend; and dating partner. There is a penalty waiting for doing violation, they shall be punishable by imprisonment of thirty days . Woman and children are known as the weakest than men, they are experiencing bullying in many ways: verbal bullying, sexual, harassment and many more. Men, women and children should be treated fairly. I, you, us was born to be a fighter rejection motivates us to stay on the surface to never sink and drown ourselves away. Let the torch of discrimination be burnt to ashes. ...